Commander Naval Air Forces (CNAF) | Aviation Financial Analysis Tool (AFAST) Support Services |
CNAF Aviation Maintenance Data Support effort administers critical aviation-related databases and performs data analysis, ensuring timely and precise report data entries are provided to NAF customers. Supporting Readiness Improvement, T3W populates and analyzes data and tracks trends regarding aviation maintenance costs and material reliability trends. T3W provides the system security, database integrity and configuration, planning, scheduling, operation, capacity resource management, optimization, maintenance support, and network management/administration for AFAST. T3W performs data analysis and provides administrative support for efforts such as T/M/S Readiness Workshops (TRW), Current Readiness Cross-Functional Teams (CR CFT), Maintenance and Supply Chain Management (M&SCM) working groups, and the Air Board video-teleconferences. |
Naval Health Research Center (NHRC) | Financial Support Services |
T3W supports the Director of Resource Management at NHRC with performing financial and related administrative functions, including designing, installing, managing, evaluating, and modifying financial projects related to budget planning, cost management systems, and other new enterprise resource planning and/or budget systems. T3W analyzes and validates accounting, budget, and financial system data designed to track, reconcile, and report on Agency-administered programs and/or appropriations. |
Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC) | Financial Support Services |
T3W assists the Comptroller at NMRC with financial and administrative functions support, including designing, installing, managing, evaluating, and modifying financial projects related to budget planning, cost management systems, and other new enterprise resource planning and/or budget systems. T3W analyzes and validates accounting, budget, and financial system data designed to track, reconcile, and report on Agency-administered programs and/or appropriations. |
USN Naval Facilities Engineering Command Northwest (NAVFAC NW) | GIS Services |
T3W supported Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) for the NAVFAC NW region. We provided assets to accomplish and maintain the requirements of FIAR. FIAR comprises a Data Reconciliation Tool (DRT) and a Periodic Virtual Inventory (PVI). T3W assisted with an asset review and physical inventory (PVT tool) for FIAR with NAVFAC Asset Management (AM). This work included running DRT reports and analyzing unmatched records between GIS and iNFADS. The analysis aimed to determine why a record is considered unmatched and correct the corresponding records in the database. |