USAF 56th Civil Engineering Squadron (56 CES), Luke AFB | Engineering Support and Facility Condition Analysis Services |
T3W provides the 56 CES at Luke AFB with construction administration support, quality assurance inspection and reporting, design drawings and specification development, programming document development, project scoping, cost estimating, building/utility condition assessments, review of contract documents and shop drawings, review of schedules and quality control plans, and construction surveillance, inspections, security, risk management, project management, and analysis, and development of recommendations. Additional work includes acquisition support and data management. |
Army National Guard (ARNG) | Military Construction (MILCON) — Construction and Facilities Management Officer (CFMO) Support Services |
T3W provides personnel, equipment, tools, materials, supervision, and quality control necessary to perform MILCON – CFMO Support Services for the ARNG. This contract requires professional and technical services to provide MILCON programming and project management expertise to the ARNG-IEZ Division to support the MILCON program. Responsibilities include administrative duties, data collection, analyses of data and sources, and document processing. Services include validating and reviewing MILCON projects for DD Form 1390/91 requirements and assuring conformance with facility criteria, DOD standards, and programming data; supporting Facilities Management Engineers (FME) throughout the project lifecycle; training and assistance to states and territories; and assessing damage to ARNG facilities after acts of natural events. |
DHS, Customs & Border Protection (CBP), Chula Vista Border Patrol Station (BPS) | Utility Survey Repairs |
T3W completed a ground and drone survey of the facility boundaries and existing gas, water, sewage, drainage, and irrigation systems for the CBP, Chula Vista BPS. The team provided a plan with recommendations for repairing and upgrading these infrastructure systems. The plan also included as-builts and a Raw Order of Magnitude (ROM) cost for each system. As-builts included but were not limited to valve locations, meters, and lines. |
US Marine Corps Installation Pacific (MCIPAC) | Defense Policy Review Initiative (DPRI) Enterprise Planning & Project Management |
DPRI provides strategic guidance and direction for the planning and execution of military build-out actions across the Pacific Region to sustain war-fighting capabilities and to achieve force posture realignments, including necessary training range development, the identification of unit and installation facility requirements, programming, and budgeting, and supporting establishment requirements for all impacted Marines, Sailors, and family members. T3W represents the stakeholders throughout facility planning, design, and construction. T3W provides technical and administrative services to support MCIPAC DPRI Program Management Offices accomplish its mission. These services include technical support in Project Management, Project Planning, Facility Planning, Security Planning, Construction Management, Construction Coordination, Computer Assisted Design (CAD) / Geographical Information System (GIS) / Building Information Modeling (BIM), Warehousing, Logistics Management, Data Management, Knowledge Management, and Information Technology. |
US Marine Corps Installation Command (MCICOM) | Installation Geospatial Information and Services (IGI&S) Data Management Support |
T3W provided programmatic information management, program analysis, technical and professional services support to the MCICOM’s Infrastructure Reset initiative and fluctuations to the force structure. Providing this support required working knowledge of published materials, analysis of technical requirements, coordination of actions with MCICOM Headquarters (HQ) Regional and installation personnel, and compiling data in professional quality documents that supported the initiative to optimize and reduce the USMC infrastructure inventory. The two (2) interrelated task areas required under this effort related to infrastructure reset support: Planning Support and Installation Geospatial Information and Services (IGI&S) Data Management Support. |